An application has been registered with Wandsworth Council for the redevelopment of 80-100 Gwynne Road, Battersea. Proposals seek the demolition of the existing warehouse building on the corner of Gwynne Road and Lombard Road.
The River Thames lies approximately 90m to the west of the site, with the railway line and Fred Wells Gardens
to the north of the site. The building was operated by a plumbers merchant known as ‘Fraser and Ellis Ltd’. It comprises circa 825 sq m of floor space including a storage area on the ground floor with some ancillary office space at the upper level.
The site is situated in a sustainable location, indicated by a PTAL score of 3 and its location adjacent to a PTAL score of 6b. The surrounding area is mixed in character with residential and employment uses along Gwynne Road.
Immediately adjacent to the site is a two-story warehouse building which is used as a self-storage unit operated by Safestore, and is of an L-shape, with one frontage facing onto Gwynne Road and another onto Lombard Road.
To the west of the site lies modern residential developments such as the 28-storey building at 14 Lombard Rd as well as the Oyster Wharf development. To the east of the site is 55-66 Gwynne Rd, which is a 14 storey residential development.
These developments form part of the Battersea regeneration area which is going through significant transformation including the redevelopment of the Winstanley Estate. The GLA has identified this area as Clapham Junction and Battersea Riverside Housing Zone – where sites are designated for a high-density and quality residential neighbourhood.
The application has been prepared on behalf of developer & applicant Jahco (Battersea) Ltd (‘the Applicant’), the applicant has appointed architects Grid Architects to produce design and access proposals for the site.
Proposals seek detailed permission to build a part 20 and 8 storey building, comprising 88 residential units as well as light industrial space on the ground and first floors to replace the floorspace that would be lost if the development proceeded.
It is intended to provide 35% affordable housing (29 units) based on a tenure comprising 70% social rented and 30% intermediate units.
The scheme includes 3 disabled car parking spaces for the accessible residential units on Gwynne Rd. A total of 162 cycle spaces are provided for the residential development with 4 spaces for the commercial space with an additional 6 short-stay visitor spaces on Gwynne Road.
It was confirmed in late 2022 that Wandsworth Council, Hammersmith and Fulham Council and Kensington and Chelsea Council have reached a joint agreement to lobby for funding to bring forward a new River Thames crossing.
Formerly marketed as the Diamond Jubilee Bridge, planning consents for the cycling and pedestrian crossing have been in place since 2013, two-thirds of the bridge’s £32 million cost has already been secured and foundations are already in place on one side of the River Thames.
However attempts to secure the remaining funding up until now have fallen short, most recently when the now Cremorne cycling and pedestrian bridge was snubbed by London Mayor Sadiq Khan when he submitted a list of “shovel-ready” projects to the goverment in 2020.