A planning application has been submitted to the London Borough of Bromley, which proposes two residential buildings of 6 stories containing 75 homes and ground floor commercial floorspace.
The application site of Bromley North Station Car Park which is also owned by the planning authority is predominately a charging public car park with 83 spaces, an MOT garage, a storage unit, and a UKPN sub-station.
Situated immediately adjacent to Bromley North railway station, the northern end of Bromley’s largest shopping precinct. A second railway station at Bromley South at around 10 minutes away.
The scheme’s close proximity to two railway stations and moreover a comprehensive array of bus services and Bromley’s largest town centre, justifies the scheme’s car-free approach aside from 3 Blue Badge car parking spaces.
The client and planning authority has appointed architects Mae to produce design proposals for the site.
Bromley Council has earmarked the aforementioned site in its local plan adopted in January 2019 Bromley Local Plan Site 2 Land adjacent to Bromley North Station Road.
Policy 1 in the Bromley Local Plan states that the Council will make provision for a minimum average of 641 additional homes per annum over the ten-year plan period.
Across the two blocks, building one is set to contain 38 affordable homes, and block 2 contains 37 homes for private sale to cross-subside the homes to less than the private market rental.
The site is split into several land ownerships. Wilmot Dixton (Be Living) and Network – who are the main landowners are in a joint venture to re-develop the site.
Plans suggest in excess of 300 professionally managed rental homes, which include the demolition of Northside House, the terraces on Tweedy Road, and dated office space on Sherman Road.
Plans were validated by Bromley Council on Wednesday 26 April, with 12-18 months being the typical time between application and decision by the planning committee.
It’s fair to expect this scheme to be considered by Bromley’s Development Control Committee in Summer or Autumn 2024.