Connected Living London has recently submitted revised proposals for 371 build to rent flats, on two adjacent car parks to the Piccadilly line northern terminus in the borough of Enfield.

The proposal seeks to redovelop a 1.36ha site, currently used as car parks immediately adjcent to the Grade II Listed station. The 351 proposed new homes set for site represets a density of 258 units/ha.

The scheme will range from 5 to 13 floors over four plots, of the 351 proposed in this application 40% will be classed as affordable which equates to 132 of the units submitted. 132 units earmarked as affordable, 40 will be Discount Market Rent (DMR), set at London Living Rent. Meanwhile the remaining 92 set at DMR at 65-70% of Open Market Rent with this tenure representing 70% of the affordable housing mix.

According to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government Local Authority return data for 2017/18, identifies that there are currently 3,000+ households on the Enfields housing waiting list, with the demand for 1/ 2 bed units making up over 50% of the demand.

In addition to the residental units proposed, 3950sqm of external communal amenity space allocated mostly on the northern site. In addtion 715 (GIA), of LUL staff and Train Drivers Assocation provided on the southern site.
The inital scheme was thrown out due to a lack of car parking, this revised second attempt will provide 35 general use spaces for the public, 12 public blue badge spaces (reprovision of existing), 7 drop off and pick-up spaces for the public, 11 blue badge space for residents and provision to increase that to 24 and 35 spaces. 1 car club space for residents, 1 LUL blue badge space and a electric taxi charging bay.
Moving onto cycling provision, 597 long-stay and 10 short-stay residental spaces. 8 short-say public spaces these are reprovided, 60 cycle hub spaces, 1 long stay commerical space, 6 short stay commerical space and 22 re-provivded LUL staff cycle spaces in the TDA space.

The scheme has been drawn up architects Hawkins/Brown and Mae, as well as landscape architects JCLA.
Alongside this application Connected Living London are currently persuing another five sites, all of which are within thier inital first tranch of 320 schemes across Greater London. The scheme will be operated by Connected Living London (Cockfosters) Limited, an arms lenght organisation of Connected Living London (BTR) Limited.
The revenues from Connected Living London, is set to provide a long-term income stream for Transport for London. There is a longer term aspiration that pending a crtical mass of operational schemes, could be used to bridge the gaping funding gap left by an elimation of funding from central goverment an a reduction in passenger numbers and thereby advertising revenue.