Proposals have been submitted by the applicant, Howarth Homes PLC (‘the Applicant’), and is submitted in support of an application for full planning permission for the following development at Smiths Farm in Northolt.
If approved the scheme would provide 220 dwellings in 7 blocks of between 4 and 7 storeys; conversion of locally listed farmhouse and barns to provide a cafe / commercial unit; 67 car parking spaces; improved public access between Northala Fields and Marnham Fields along with associated enhanced landscaping, cycle parking and refuse storage.”
The site is located on Kensington Road, UB5 6AH, and the site is currently known as ‘Smiths Farm’. The 1.5-hectare site comprises a brownfield site which is situated within the Green Belt, located to the south of Western Avenue (A40), east of Kensington Road, and north of Horse Shoe Crescent. The site is accessed from Kensington Road and Horseshoe Crescent.

The development seeks full planning permission to redevelop the site and will consist of 51% affordable units as well as units for market sale.
The proposal doesn’t seek to provide any single aspect North facing units. Over 73% of the proposed dwellings are duel aspect.
A total of 432 cycle spaces are provided in a secure store. And some short-stay cycle spaces will be delivered in the form of Sheffield stands. Furthermore, 67(0.3 per unit) Car parking spaces will be provided on-site which includes disabled spaces, EV, and car club spots. These have been designed in line with Ealing Councils parking standards and are policy complaint.
It is proposed to provide one car club vehicle on-site with automatic membership for residents. This will be managed by a car club operator or, alternatively, by the Site’s operators in the form of a private fleet.

Out of 3000 residents who were sent letters of invitation, 29 attended in person over the course of the consultation
The Application seeks to provide 111 affordable dwellings (50.4%) which equates to 305 hab rooms (50.4%). Out of the Affordable offering, 195 hab rooms (64%) are to be London Affordable Rented (LAR) and 110 habitable rooms (36%) in Shared Ownership. With the remainder of the units in the Open Market (49.6% by habitable room).
In accordance with the London Plan and the Affordable Housing SPD, no viability information has to be submitted with the proposal which is eligible for the fast track route. The full breakdown of Affordable Housing is contained within the schedule of accommodation.
The most up-to-date evidence sets out that the LPA (Ealing Council) is failing to meet its affordable housing need, with the failure resulting in only 40%, at best, being met.

The Ealing Local Housing Needs Assessment Update (Nov 2022) sets out that circa 55% of the Borough’s housing need is affordable (some 1186 dwellings per annum) Whilst the proposal is policy compliant, the delivery of 110 affordable dwellings will meet close to 10% of this annual need.