652 homes proposed for Lea Bridge Gasworks

Revised proposals for the housing-led redevelopment of Clementina Road Gas Works, have been registered with the London Borough of Waltham Forest (LBWF) Council seeking full detailed planning consent for the site known as Lea Bridge Gasworks a 2.64-hectare site.

The site benefits from a pre-existing consent, dated 9th July 2021 (the ‘2021 Permission’. This application was approved by the LBWF Planning Committee on 1st December 2020, with the Section 106 Agreement (S106) signed and dated on 9th July 2021. The 2021 Planning Permission authorises.

A comprehensive phased development comprising the demolition of existing buildings and structures, and the erection of buildings to provide a mixed-use scheme including 573 residential units (Use Class C3) in 10 buildings ranging from 2 to 18 storeys.

Site overview in red, image from the planning application.

The site sits within a site earmarked by the local planning authority for taller buildings, centered around Lea Bridge station which was reopened in 2016 which we have previously detailed here. The site is served by two routes into the Square Mile and Oxford Circus.

Gasholder sites form an integral part of the London Plan. They are identified as a strategic source of housing are exempt from the commercial floorspace capacity test, and are subject to the 35% Fastrack Approach.

The Government’s National Planning Policy Framework gives significant weight to the redevelopment of contaminated brownfield land for housing. It seeks to optimise land for housing.

Building access and public realm proposals, image credit Pollard Thomas Edwards.

Notable scheme addition features include the net additional increase of 79 homes compared with the pre-existing 2021 consent, within this 170 homes are affordable (35% by habitable room).

The scheme also includes new play space and a new public art trail, the creation of access into Leyton Jubilee Park which opens up an impermeable site to the wider local community.

As well as community floorspace within one of the plots, with a current exploration of the provision of a health centre to occupy the unit.

Revised proposals to comply with second staircase rules, were produced by principal project architects Pollard Thomas Edwards on behalf of landowner and developer St William which is part of the Berkeley Group, formed in 2014 which focuses particularly on redeveloping former gas works for new residential uses.