Proposals for the future of Euston Tower submitted

Proposals for the redevelopment of Euston Tower, including the partial retention (retention of existing core,foundations and basement), disassembly, reuse, and extension of the existing building, to provide a 32-storey building for use as offices and research and development floorspace have been registered with the London Borough of Camden seeking full planning permission

The site is owned by the freeholder and developer British Land, who also own the wider Regents Quater office district through various group companies has appointed principal project architects 3XN Architects to produce design and access proposals, for the vacant office tower built in the 1960’s and whilst the lower floors are occupied by retail and café uses, the upper floors have been vacant for several years, with the last floors vacated in 2021.

The proposal would provide 19,939 (GIA) sqm of flexible office and lab-enabled floorspace, 2,670 (GIA) of Accelerator Space, in addition to 42,886 (GIA) sqm of office floorspace, to cater to a range of different size occupiers from start-ups and spin-outs, growing businesses and large employers.

The current condition of Euston Tower, image credit from the planning application.

The scheme would see the retention of 31% of the structure of the existing building, following a three-part feasibility study which has been independently reviewed by Camden’s Council advisers.

Floors 4-11 would provide specialised lab-enabled floorspace for science and research. These floors provide greater floor-to-floor heights (at 4.08m in comparison to the office floor-to-floor heights of 3.8m) which allow space for the diversity and extent of services required for lab-enabled floorspace.

The office space would start from Level 12 and extend up to Level 30, offering a flexible and versatile environment around a central core.

Proposed public realm, image credit DSDHA from the planning application.

The Transport Assessment and associated transportation documents have been prepared by Velocity. The reports have been prepared with a focus on the Healthy Streets Approach. The site is located within a highly accessible area and has an ‘Excellent’ PTAL of 6b. The proposal has been designed to be car-free (except for two blue badge spaces within the basement) and to promote walking and cycling.

Green/blue roofs are proposed, in addition to planted areas and bio-retention features in the landscaping, as part of a Sustainable Drainage System (SuDS) that manages surface water runoff and filters rainwater. Surface water runoff rates of 3.0l/s and a 96% reduction in surface water discharge are envisaged compared to the existing Euston Tower.

Plans were submitted in the middle of last month, the scheme is likely to be considered by Camden’s planning committee in either late 2024 or early 2025. If approved the scheme would complete at the dawn of the 2030s.