Plans for mixed-used development of the former Bromley by Bow Gasworks, have been submitted to the London Borough of Newham (LBN) for consent.
The 9.30 hectares site application site consists of seven disused Grade II listed gasholders, which represent the
largest surviving group of Victorian gasholders in the world, and 7 of the 19 listed gasholders remain in the UK.
As a result of changes in the way natural gas is supplied and stored, the gasholders were decommissioned in 2010.
The application prepared on behalf of applicant St William Homes LLP proposes 634 residential homes in the detailed component and approximately 1,500 homes in the outline component.

Architects RSHP, formally Roger Stirk Harbour Partners have been appointed to produce design and access proposals for the site.
Documents prepared by the planning consultant Quod on behalf of the applicant, point to the considerable site remediation and costs associated with the restoration of the listed gasometers.
This justification as to why the plans are unable to deliver a 35% affordable housing threshold which applies to those owned by private entities.
Within phase 1, there will be 83 social rented homes. For the outline component, the number of homes will be confirmed at the reserved matters stage and subject to viability discussions.

The proposed detailed component proposes four new residential buildings, ranging from two at 15 floors each, 21 floors, and the tallest topping out at 27 floors.
These are new buildings referred to as the “pencil buildings” due to their proposed massing. The following four phases will for the most part be built within the confines of the restored gasometers.
If approved by Newham’s planning committee in 2024, works are hoped to commence in 2025 with the entire masterplan completing in the mid-2040s.