Plans submitted on behalf of developer Hill Residential Ltd and Trustees of the Gwyneth Cowing Will Trust and Trustees of the Gwyneth Cowing 1968 Settlement (the Applicant, known as ‘Hill and Trustees’) for the redevelopment of the site at the Land between Wood Street and Wellhouse Lane, in the London Borough of
Barnet (LBB / the Council).
The application proposes the demolition of non-listed structures on the site and the construction of 114 new homes and a single-story studio building.
The studio will provide a new home for the Barnet Guild of Artists and the Barnet Beekeepers Association. It will also be available for public use.
A new vehicular access is provided to the studio from Wellhouse Lane. A total of 138 car parking spaces and 268 cycle
parking spaces will also be provided.
The western part of the site comprises 114 new residential dwellings, and of these 40% (by unit) or 35% (by habitable room) are proposed as affordable homes.
All the new homes will be accessed via new vehicular access from Wood Street in the form of a priority junction.
The development also provides new landscaping and public realm, public open space, play areas, and ecological enhancements and retains an area for use as an agricultural small holding.
New pedestrian and cycle access points are provided from Wood Street and Wellhouse Lane, and restricted access for only emergency vehicles from Wellhouse Lane.
The planning application drawings were prepared by Rolfe Judd Architecture and the landscape drawings were by TEP.