Office highrise proposed for Houndsditch

Devonshire public realm

Developers Cutlers Houndsditch Unit Trust (acting by BNP Paribas Jersey Trust Corporation Limited and Anley Trustees Limited), has submitted detailed plans for a 23-floor tower by architects Allford Hall Monaghan Morris at 115-123 Houndsditch in the City of London.

The proposed scheme will fill the visual gap between Salesforce Tower (right) and One Bishopsgate Plaza (left)

Plans were submitted to the City of London Corporation for the demolition of office buildings with retail units at the ground level along. The three buildings at 115 Houndsditch Cutlers Court, 120-123 Houndsditch Cutlers Exchange, and 117-119 Houndsditch were all built in the late 1980s, following the post-war move of trade-in jewelry, watches, and the camera’s to Camden and Portobello Road Markets this saw the demolition of Houndsditch Warehouse described as the “Selfridge of the East”, which was constructed in 1933 and demolished in 1986.

Archive images of Houndsditch Warehouse

The proposed scheme proposes a development with four basement levels, one basement mezzanine level with 23 floors above, topping out at over 110 meters with a landscaped terrace for officer occupiers which has been split diagonally in order to provide indoor as well as outdoor amenity space.

The proposed scheme would stand at the northern frontier of taller buildings of the city cluster with the Heron Tower and One Bishopsgate Square to the west and the St Bolotph Building overlooking Aldgate Square at the East, the scheme is immediately adjacent to the north of Foggo’s Associates 60-80 Mary Axe which affectionately nicknamed the Can of Ham. Finally to the north is Middlesex Street Estate, which contains 234 homes built between 1965 and 1970.

The proposed scheme as seen from the Middlesex Street Estate

The scheme proposes an overhauled public realm with the addition of new trees along Houndsditch and Cutler Street, with new integrated outdoor public seating at ground level, with the ground floor retail provision reduced from seven units to one. As with other office developments, the proposed scheme is car-free and proposes well over a thousand short stay and long stay cycle parking.

Proposed Cutler Street elevation

Plans were submitted to the City of London corporation in the middle of July, with a decision likely to be made in early 2022.