A planning application has been submitted to the London Borough of Merton, these are reserved matters following the outline planning consent for the redevelopment of the High Path estate, providing between 1,704 and 1,898 replacement and net new homes.
The aforementioned estate has been subject to many appearances in the broadcast media, regarding the quality of the homes let out to tenants of the social association Clarion. Clarion manages the income-restricted housing that was formerly owned by the local authority, before being transferred into private hands.
Plans for the hundreds of homes will be delivered in Phase 3B and 3C, adjacent to South Wimbledon tube station, which itself is situated at the crossroads of Merton High Street/Kingston Road and Merton Road and the Morden Road/A219.
The applicant Clarion Housing Group has appointed architects PRP Group LLP to produce plans for the south London site.

The 374 new homes will be arranged over three plots, rising from 6 floors at its lowest to 12 floors at its tallest.
Within the detailed plans prepared on behalf of the housing association, the scheme will not provide private car parking. However, it does provide the space for 34 cargo bikes and 548 spaces across 2-tier stacked cycle parking.
This phase will deliver entirely housing for private sale, with income-restricted already achieving consent and currently being built out in Phases 1 and 2B, with 70% of those being earmarked as “affordable.
Of these will be split between Shared Ownership and London Affordable Rent, the latter when compared against Social Rents typically 1/3 to 1/4 more expensive.

The scheme which is currently under consideration with town council planners is likely to be determined by Merton Council before the end of the year.