Detailed proposals were submitted to the London Borough of Brent for the current site of a former Job Centre, by the locally headquartered housing association Network Homes.
The tower was designed by project architect Levit Bernstein proposal for a car-free development of 79 new homes.
The site extends to 857 sqm and is currently occupied by a two-story building which houses Wembley’s Job Centre sits within the Wembley Area Action Plan (WAAP) which forms part of the Wembley Growth Area.
The proposed scheme sits opposite terraced housing along Elm Road and St John’s Road which are mostly two-story, built-in brick with hung tile pitched roofs that were built in the early 1900s.

The site is situated within a PTAL rating 6a area and a few minutes walk from Wembley Central underground and national rail station, as well as a wide array of amenities along the nearby Wembley High Road.
The proposed 79 new homes would see; 14 1-beds, 50 2-beds, 15 3-beds, and 167 sqm of commercial/community space along St John’s Road.
Of these 79 new homes, 31 would be for a social tenure of this 48% would be larger family homes namely two and three-bedroom units.
Delivery of 31 rented and 48 intermediate homes (Shared Ownership), would be 3 more rented and 36 more intermediate homes than required by planning policy.
Within a planning context, table 4.1 of the London Plan sets Brent on a 10-year target 2018/19 to 2028/29 for net housing completions of 23,250 (the equivalent of 2,325 dwellings a year).

In addition, London Policy H1 part b 2 encourages optimising housing delivery on sites within 800 meters of a station or within a PTAL score of 3-6. The site is located 100 meters from Wembley Central station and has a PTAL 6a.
Finally, the scheme also proposes biodiversity improvements through the proposed sustainable drainage system on St John’s Road, and the introduction of a raised table crossing on the junction of St John’s Road and Elm Road.
The scheme is a car-free scheme because of its close proximity to public transportation and the scheme will see the current standard parking bays, repurposed to provide disabled parking bays.