A full detailed planning application has been validated with the London Borough of Southwark, seeking consent for the comprehensive redevelopment of the existing Jewson builders merchants located at Railway Rise in East Dulwich. The application site is approximately 0.77 hectares, running/south in a linear plot adjacent to the railway lines at East Dulwich station.
The application site is subject to densification designations through Local Plan Site Allocation NSP41. It seeks to re-provision the existing commercial use and ensure the introduction of new employment while incorporating a residential offer.
The proposals, in summary, seek to replace the existing 1,220 sqm GIA of commercial floorspace and associated storage yard with 1,229 sqm of replacement higher-quality commercial floorspace. In addition, 53 affordable residential homes and 360 student bedrooms would be delivered, which would be operated as a Purpose-Built Student Accommodation (PBSA).
East Dulwich Station lies approximately 50m north of the site, at its closest, whilst North Dulwich Station lies approximately 800m southwest. Bus services along Grove Vale are located proximal, approximately 50-80m from the application area, providing access to Brixton, Dulwich, and Peckham.

The proposal would deliver 360 student rooms distributed across two new buildings, with the layout designed for Blocks A and B. The layout is designed to enhance student experience and privacy, incorporating various studio types with internal amenities including
lounges, study areas, and fitness centres.
Furthermore, 53 self-contained homes are proposed, all of which are classified as affordable, delivering 40% of the total habitable rooms on site as affordable housing, in line with the Council’s preferred tenure split.
The buildings are arranged to create a pedestrian-led internal street that balances privacy and activity, with commercial spaces at the front and residential areas becoming more private towards the south end of the site.
As such, the proposed 360 student rooms would contribute the equivalent of 144 new residential dwellings towards meeting the borough’s housing delivery targets. With the addition of the 53 family homes within the Application Scheme, this totals 197 homes and represents 8.3% of the Borough’s annual housing target.

The proposal for The Sidings, Railway Rise is not considered a ‘tall building’ according to London Plan Policy D9. According to the relevant document, tall buildings are defined in local plans and are generally no less than six stories. In the context of Southwark, a tall building is defined as being 30 meters in height, except in specific areas where buildings higher than 25 meters are considered tall.
Design and access proposals have been produced by SWAP Architects on behalf of the applicant and client Cresswick Dulwich Ltd.
If approved and built out, residents would access the dwellings via Melbourne Grove with those seeking to access the commercial floorspace would continue to do via Railway Rise.
The scheme is being referred to as The Sidlings during the scheme’s preceding phase of public consultation.