Revised plans have been registered with Hackney Council for the redevelopment of the site as 1 Vince Street and 229-233a Old Street. The site location is close to Old Street tube station and is currently home to a two-story, building above a basement occupied by Simmons Bar and four single-story takeaway shops fronting onto Old Street.
The plans submitted by applicant H Company 2 Limited have appointed architects Studio Kyson to prepare among others design and access proposals for the site, as well as Rolfe Judd as the planning consultant.
If approved the scheme would see the demolition of all existing buildings within the application site, with a new building of part 5, and part 14 floor building above basements for flexible commercial use at the ground level and office floorspace above ground of 3,713 sqm (GIA) of employment floorspace, including floorspace for flexible commercial/bar uses at the ground floor.

Proposals also include the provision of 412 sqm (over 10%) of affordable workspace floorspace on the seventh and eighth floors.
Currently planning consent also exists for a comparatively shorter iteration, of the proposed scheme with the floors above ground level for hotel use rather than for office floorspace.
In other office-led development activity nearby, plans were submitted earlier this year for the refurbishment of 99 City Road and a high-rise office tower placed above which are currently under consideration with Islington Council.